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Sunday 16 October 2011

Altered Book Work

Here’s a few scans of my paintings and mixed media work- I paint them into an altered book, which ends up being an art book full of different ideas and themes- this is one of my favourite things to do as it is very portable.  Ro Bruhn started me off on this project when I did a workshop at her studio in Melbourne, and I am always adding and changing the pages as I find and add-in interesting papers or draw something onto the pages.  Have a look at her blog if you want to look at other altered books...

Tea cosies

I have been obsessed lately with knitting…   and when I took the kids and my father away down south over the school holidays, I indulged myself while the weather raged outside.  Here are a few of the outcomes of the late nights I have obsessively sat up telling myself “Just one more row”…

The first tea cosy (below) is sitting over a Robur "Perfect Teapot"- it reminds me of a Dr Seuss book...

This second tea cosy takes itself a bit more seriously- at least colour-wise...  It is sitting over a little tea for one teapot, and is very very cute..

Some jewellery: Leather lariats, silver and cinnabar

My loverly daughter has been slaving away styling my blog for me (she gets to stay in bed that way, without me nagging- kids have it all worked out)…..  So- here it is- my first post of hopefully very many.

I thought I would post a few photos of my latest bits and pieces- firstly a few necklace lariats made with leather, real pearls, pearl shell, Tibetan silver, cinnabar beads (love em!), and a variety of charms I made from shell, gemstone and found objects.  Each piece I make is different and unique.