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Sunday, 6 November 2011

Tea cosy crazy

I love tea, and I love teapots...  So naturally I just lurrrrrve tea cosies.  I have played around with unusual yarn that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything made of, but somehow looks great when knitted into a tea cosy.  I have also played around with casting on, off and different stitches and just seen what has eventuated.  Here are some of my endeavors of the last week, and I am really happy with them...

I think I might need to stuff and wire the fluff ball on the top of this one so it stands up straight.  I haven't come up with a name for this one, so if anyone can help me that would be great!  I will write up some of these tea cosies into patterns if anyone is interested....

This one is a disco tea cosy, complete with mirror ball on the top.  I call it the Chaka Khan..

And this is like an English cottage garden, but then I went crazy and added a thing on top and it looks a little alien.  So- it has become my Alien Flower Garden Teacosy.... 

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