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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Flora Bowley's class....

I am one of the many around the world (it seems) taking Flora Bowley's class "Bloom True"...

My progress?

I'm stuck, and waiting for inspiration to strike me...

This is where I am at at the moment...

Canvas 1:

Canvas 2:


  1. I know how that is. I just finished one of my paintings from the class yesterday and the other has undergone a major redo as well. I am amazed that it took me so long to finish one painting, but I am happy with the outcome. It looks like you have a wonderful start. Keep up the promising progress!

  2. Thanks Denise... I really have to kick my own butt and quit stalling - I am not used to the "free falling" the course requires! I usually have an idea of where I want to go with a painting, and intentionally NOT having a direction has left me floundering... I MUST MUST MUST trust in the process... somehow...
