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Monday 11 June 2012

Ponderings on Pressure...

I have always loved creating and making things...

And have gone at my own pace, discovering and experiencing new techniques, falling in love with them and becoming obsessive compulsive in my experimentation of the ideas and the creations that come from them...

The hardest part about trying to make a living doing this is  knowing I am skirting around the dangers to creative process... trying to stay true...

I have done many things in my life- theatre arts teacher, costume designer, clothing designer, scientific writer, receptionist, life coach, facilitator and trainer in business skills, instructional designer, mum... 

But now I am a full time carer to my father, who has a nasty disease called Dementia with Lewy Bodies - similar to the double whammy of Alzheimers and Parkinsons.  

He is in a steady decline, and has been for a while.  I can't leave him alone.  At all.  My life with him is documented in my blog "My Forgetting is Better than my Remembering" - one of my father's little sayings... It's an interesting time, to say the least...

But now- I can't make a living out of any of the skills I had before.

I have to make a living from doing something from home...

So here I am, bombarding the blog pages and feeds with my wares and creations, listing them like crazy on Etsy, and beating the feet around gift  shops looking for stockists on the days Dad is in respite...

And feeling just a bit overwhelmed by it all....


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