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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Painting at last

Well- I'm making  a start of it anyway...

It's bloody hot here, and my studio is not air conditioned so it wasn't a great choice to start painting today.

But- out I went to the back yard, knitter's thumb strapped, supervised by the ever vigilant Larry, and I started anyway....

Here's my boy, keeping an eye on me as always...


It's been at least 4 years since I last started a painting, so I must admit I was a bit tense...   The blank canvas is a scary thing.

But- I solved that problem by starting on a pretty big canvas I picked up from the local church op shop for the bargain price of $2.  Gotta love church op shops!  You can see the original painting of a rose in a vivid magenta colour....  I only thought to take a photo of it after I had already started playing around on it....

I then started the layering process, and here's some sections that appealed to me as they appeared:

I only had an hour or so to spend on it, and the painting will evolve over time, but it's a start... So the end of the session saw the canvas looking like this....

 I sure had a great time, even though it was 37 degrees Celcius!

And Larry???

The excitement was just too much for him.....

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